Tag Archives: Emotional Intelligence
Leadership Conversations…Destined for Success?
A recent infographic linking Emotional Intelligence (EI) to leadership success prompted me to reflect on what’s getting in way of leaders becoming more emotionally intelligent. My perspective is that much of the information provided around developing your EI is focused … Continue reading
Rise of the Zombie Organisation?
I’m not usually a fan of seasonal posts, so apologies to anyone else who shares my prejudice as I talk about zombie organisations in the run up to Halloween. I’ve had a few bad customer experiences recently and now I … Continue reading
Liberate your Forgiveness…and Transform Your Organisation
“Many organisations today are like gulags. People are anxious, there’s a lot of paranoia. [But] what should be remembered is that people who don’t make any mistakes don’t do anything. They’re too busy covering their backs. They’re not going to … Continue reading
It Really is Better to be a Giver
I recently came across an article that offers a new perspective on the impact of behaviour on organisational success: In the Company of Givers and Takers. The article’s author, Adam Grant, takes the view that an organisation’s success is determined by … Continue reading
Blind Spot or Lifesaver?
I was recently working with a group of leaders and we were using Johari’s Window as a framework for reflection and exploring what they had learnt about themselves during participation in their leadership development programme. Much of the conversation focused … Continue reading
Attitude Follows Behaviour
Don’t worry this isn’t going to be a cheesy blog on New Year resolutions and change. Instead, I’m going to reflect on how attitude change can sometimes sneak up on us without any conscious effort. I’m sure you’ve noticed … Continue reading
No Surprises?
Rosabeth Moss Kanter’s recent post Ten Reasons People Resist Change prompted me to reflect on how our desire to get it right before we share it can get in the way of successful change. She reminds us that “Leaders should … Continue reading
Change can be painless…you choose!
I often tell my clients that they can choose to make change painless or hard and my recent experience with a new laptop brought that to life for me! My trusty old laptop was reaching the end of its life … Continue reading
Forget Mickey and Minnie…it’s all about you
Much of my work is focused on helping organisations and individuals make changes that will lead to great performance. I’m often asked what is the key to successful change, and my perspective is that success is determined by how much … Continue reading
Outstanding Leaders Think and Act Differently
Recent research looked at the attributes of outstanding leaders; it identified some strong and clear differences in how outstanding leaders think and behave. The Facts: Based on over 250 in-depth qualitative interviews a study by the Work Foundation provides proof … Continue reading